About Me

Who Am I?

G’day! I’m Kate. Originally from Australia, I moved to France in 2019 for my studies (and love!) and many lock-downs later, I have decided to stay put and create a life in the land of wine and croissants. 


Some fun facts:

  • I’ve studied in four countries
  • I speak English and French
  • I play the piano and cello
  • My favourite flavour of ice cream is boysenberry swirl. 
  • I’m afraid of jellyfish
  • I love making sand castles.
  • I’m a Girl Guide and am currently a Sea Scout leader
  • I am always up to try something new!
Kate in a cafe in Paris, (Sep 2020). Photo by Rachael LaPorte

What do I do?

Sailing off the coast of Marseille with other Sea Scout Leaders Dec 2020: Photo by Stephane LeDauphin

If you ask my partner, he would say I always have a zillion projects going on from planning scout camps, to building websites, to rearranging our furniture, to learning how to sew, and to constantly leaving my egg pain on the stove dirty (sigh). 

However, in terms of employment? 

I am a qualified music therapist with a masters degree from a university in France. I have my own business, and I am also employed by various institutions. Besides music therapy I also teach English in a small family run school here in France, as well teaching my own private students.

So, I guess my partner is right. A zillion projects. 

Why this blog?

There are three main reasons as to why I decided to start a blog. 

1. To share my knowledge about life in France, moving abroad, and setting up a business in the land of paperwork and administrative nightmares. 

2. To share my tips, tricks and experiences in regards to all things travel, including studying abroad.

3. To document my progress setting up my music therapy business, and my evolution as a music therapist.


Happy reading!

About me Music Therapy
Kate with some of her music and health resources

Some of my Adventures...