Passports and Pianos

Moving to France – Part 1

Don't we all do crazy things sometimes?

Picture this. It’s May 2019. You’re four months into your Honours year, and your thesis is due in October. You’ve just received your ethics approval and you can now begin to start to find participants for your research study. You need at least 100 for the results to even mean something. Stress is high.

Semester break is two months away. You can’t wait. You’ve booked your tickets back to Europe a few weeks ago. Being in a long distance relationship is hard. 

Wistfully you decide to google music therapy degrees in France again, for what must be the hundredth time. The only master’s degree program in France for this field of study has been closed for a few years. 

Or so you thought. 

There, on your screen, you see that the master’s degree is in fact open for applications. 

Your eyes swirl, your heart beats faster. When did this happen?? How could you have missed this? 

You see the due date – it’s at the end of the month. 

Whether it is the adrenaline kicking through your bloodstream, the heartbreak of being away from your partner for months on end, or the shear stress of the honours workload, you decide to look at the application requirements. 

Briefly, a thought flashes through your head. Is it even possible? 

This thought is never entertained again. For in your mind, it is possible. 

In a flurry, documents are translated, files are submitted, and online interviews are had.

Then the waiting game begins. 

A few days before you are due to fly back to Europe for the holidays, you receive an email. You’ve been accepted into the program. Start date September 2019. 

Now the adventure begins...

Have you ever moved abroad at the last minute? Let me know in the comments below!
Passports and Pianos